About SSSD
SSSD 2025:
Nov 30, 2024: Due to practical reasons, we have to depart from our usual meeting rotation between the Nordic countries for the SSSD meeting in 2025. We hope to have an alternative plan for the 2025 meeting soon. When we do, we will also announce the calls for the 2025 awards.
SSSD 2024:
The 58th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes will be held in Oulu, Finland on May 22-24 2024, with Riitta Veijola chairing the organizing committee.
Registration for the SSSD meeting is open. For registration, program and further information, please see:
Early bird registration until Apr 21
Late registration from Apr 22 until May 15
For abstract submission, please see instructions here:
Extended abstract submission deadline: April 10.
​​Information about abstract acceptance by April 12 at the latest.
Information about awards is available here:
About SSSD
The Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes (SSSD) was established in the 1960s. The aim of the SSSD is to bring together people with an interest in diabetes research, both from Nordic countries and elsewhere. We hold annual meetings aiming to strengthen collaborative relationships that will lead to advancement in diabetes research. The international board of the SSSD presently consists of Bjørn Olav Åsvold (chair) and Kåre Birkeland for Norway, Riitta Veijola and Lena Thorn for Finland, Nils Wierup and Gustaf Christoffersson for Sweden, Esben Søndergaard and Kristian Karstoft for Denmark and Helga Sigurjonsdottir and Ragnar Grímur Bjarnason from Iceland. We strongly encourage everyone residing in - and also outside - the Nordic countries who is interested in diabetes research to participate in the yearly meetings.
Do you want to receive email notifications about SSSD events?
Please notify Bjørn Olav Åsvold at bjorn.o.asvold@ntnu.no to be included in the SSSD email list.