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Travel Grants

Travel grants will be available for the SSSD meeting in Trondheim. The grants (up to 4000 Norwegian kroner) are intended to cover a part of the travel and accommodation expenses of abstract presenters who do not have a permanent research position.  

The applicant has to notify upon registration for the SSSD meeting whether he/she wants to be considered for a travel grant. There will be a maximum limit on the number of travel grants, and the applicant will receive information prior to the registration deadline whether the grant is awarded. The grants can cover a maximum of 50% of total travel and accommodation expenses. Upon receipt of verification of expenses and other information the grant will be paid  AFTER the meeting by transfer to a bank account of the recipient. 

To obtain a travel grant: Within 1 month after the meeting, send your name, affiliation, postal address, bank account (IBAN and BIC MUST be given), a copy of your abstract and verifications of expenses by e-mail to or by surface mail to:


c/o Bjørn Olav Åsvold
NTNU, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences,
Department of Public Health and Nursing
Postboks 8905
NO-7491 Trondheim

Female Scientist Using Microscope

The Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes

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